Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 70: Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

After talking to the Spouse, thinking it over, and getting a few little comments, I think I've decided how to proceed. I am going to work on two things, the first will be a memoir. That's what I've decided to call those little, random "me" posts that come up. I was feeling all guilty and torn about posting more of that because, you see, I didn't start this whole thing as a mommy blog and I don't want it to become a mommy blog. At the same time, I do have things that happen every day that make me laugh or give me pause that I would like to share sometimes. Then I came across the genre "memoir" and, for some reason, having a title for it (other than mommy blog) made me feel much better. So--project 1 will be memoir entries, and there will probably be more of them than the other. Project 2 will be a work of fiction that I'll be working on daily, offline. I will post chapters, and parts of chapters, here as I work on them and feel ready to launch them into the world.

So let it be written, so let it be done.


Stephanie said...

cool, I'm excited to see it. And I still don't get the negative stigma for mommy blogs. People won't read it if they don't like it, but since many people do, it must not be that bad.

Christina Weedon said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the direction you take... and how it plays out for you.

I think your blog should be whatever *you* want it to be... because, well, in the end, it belongs to y.o.u.

Either way, I'll keep reading :o)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea to me- I look forward to both. A thought- I don't see your past memoir pieces so much as a mommy blog but as real life entries and you just happen to be a mom to young children right now. Your comments on life when you hit menopause and other joys that come with "middle" age will be hilarious, I just know it. Denise